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Here is a Key Message to Motivate the Reader

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Secondary Banner Message

Tertiary Banner Message


This page mock-up combines all the elements for the updated brand identity to demonstrate how the elements work together.

  • Updated Logos
  • Brand colour-pallet
  • Core colour-pallet
  • Tone-of-voice
  • Fonts and styling

COLOURS & Tone-of-voice:

The three panels below show the primary, accent I and accent II colours from the Pattrick & Thompsons colour-pallet.

They also introduces Tone-of-Voice: Straplines and Key Messaging – providing a more friendly, softly spoken tone.

Key message to motivate the reader 

Shank kevin leberkas chislic spare ribs swine. Tenderloin sausage meatball pork chop. Strip steak tenderloin landjaeger t-bone kevin chislic burgdoggen filet mignon.

Key message to motivate the reader

Shank kevin leberkas chislic spare ribs swine. Tenderloin sausage meatball pork chop. Strip steak tenderloin landjaeger t-bone kevin chislic burgdoggen filet mignon.

Key message to motivate the reader

Shank kevin leberkas chislic spare ribs swine. Tenderloin sausage meatball pork chop. Strip steak tenderloin landjaeger t-bone kevin chislic burgdoggen filet mignon.

Headings &
Default Font Styling

This element of the page shows Headings, Title and Default – paragraph styles; and introduces hyperlink blue from the core colour pallet.

Heading Two 

Venison picanha shankle ground round flank tri-tip salami burgdoggen porchetta chicken strip steak shank alcatra beef ribs. Chuck pastrami salami pork belly ham tail brisket sausage beef ribs. Pork loin brisket cupim fatback ham picanha leberkas kevin burgdoggen tail t-bone.

  • Swine pork loin cow pork belly beef boudin capicola tongue bresaola flank. 
  • Ham hock bacon biltong, pork loin cupim burgdoggen porchetta boudin alcatra.
  • Pastrami chislic cupim chicken capicola kielbasa pork belly chuck tail.

Pastrami chislic cupim chicken capicola kielbasa pork belly chuck tail leberkas pork chop prosciutto pig. Filet mignon shoulder drumstick tenderloin. Short ribs kielbasa flank kevin ham biltong.


Corned beef short loin tail andouille capicola, pastrami venison picanha ham strip steak jowl rump cupim. Pig ribeye burgdoggen short loin hamburger filet mignon ham hock corned beef venison chuck ham short ribs sausage capicola. Biltong sirloin ham leberkas meatloaf spare ribs.


Pig ribeye burgdoggen short loin hamburger filet mignon ham hock corned beef venison chuck ham short ribs sausage capicola. Biltong sirloin ham leberkas meatloaf spare ribs.

Colours can be used creatively:

This background shows a gradient transition from the primary colour to accent II.

Heading/Default Text: x-SML

Corned beef short loin tail andouille capicola, pastrami venison picanha ham strip steak jowl rump cupim. Biltong sirloin ham leberkas meatloaf spare ribs.

Pig ribeye burgdoggen short loin hamburger filet mignon ham hock corned beef venison chuck ham short ribs sausage capicola. Biltong sirloin ham leberkas meatloaf spare ribs.


This section introduces the visual signpost colours inlcuded within the Core Colour-Pallet.

  • Call-to-Action – yellow
  • STOP/Restricted – red
  • GO/Accepted – green
  • Recycling – light green
  • Hyperlink – light blue


01733 123000

Monday – Friday: 07:00 – 18:00

Saturday: 09:00 – 12:00

Biltong sirloin ham leberkas meatloaf spare ribs. Shank kevin leberkas chislic spare ribs swine. Tenderloin sausage meatball pork chop. Strip steak tenderloin landjaeger t-bone kevin chislic burgdoggen filet mignon.

Red – ve[-]:


Shank kevin leberkas chislic spare ribs swine. Tenderloin sausage meatball pork chop. Strip steak tenderloin landjaeger t-bone kevin chislic burgdoggen filet mignon.

Green – ve[+]:


Shank kevin leberkas chislic spare ribs swine. Tenderloin sausage meatball pork chop. Strip steak tenderloin landjaeger t-bone kevin chislic burgdoggen filet mignon.

Please read the small-print:

Biltong sirloin ham leberkas meatloaf spare ribs. Shank kevin leberkas chislic spare ribs swine. Tenderloin sausage meatball pork chop. Strip steak tenderloin landjaeger t-bone kevin chislic burgdoggen filet mignon.

Tenderloin sausage meatball pork chop. Strip steak tenderloin landjaeger t-bone kevin chislic burgdoggen filet mignon.

Terms & Conditions:

Corned beef short loin tail andouille capicola, pastrami venison picanha ham strip steak jowl rump cupim.

  1. Pig ribeye burgdoggen short loin hamburger filet mignon ham hock corned beef
  2. Venison chuck ham short ribs sausage capicola tenderloin sausage meatball pork chop.
  3. Strip steak tenderloin landjaeger t-bone kevin chislic burgdoggen filet mignon.


We take recycling seriously

Corned beef short loin tail andouille capicola, pastrami venison picanha ham strip steak jowl rump cupim. Pig ribeye burgdoggen short loin hamburger filet mignon ham hock corned beef venison chuck ham short ribs sausage capicola. Biltong sirloin ham leberkas meatloaf spare ribs.

e-Commerce Product Card-Sets

This section shows how the core styling and colours could be applied to the Pattrrick & Thompsons e-commerce site.

The cards below mirror the structure and layout currently used on the product listing page

Product Name

Product specifications

Stock availbility: in stock


inc. VAT

Product Name

Product specifications

Stock availbility: in stock


inc. VAT

Product Name

Product specifications

Stock availbility: in stock


inc. VAT

Product Name

Product specifications

Stock availbility: in stock


inc. VAT

Product Name

Product specifications

Stock availbility: in stock


inc. VAT

Product Name

Product specifications

Stock availbility: in stock


inc. VAT

Product Name

Product specifications

Stock availbility: in stock


inc. VAT

Product Name

Product specifications

Stock availbility: in stock


inc. VAT

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